
Sometimes, the melanin production goes awry; either too little or too much melanin is produced causing skin pigmentation disorders. These conditions make the skin appear lighter or darker than normal, or blotchy and discolored. Too much melanin causes hyperpigmentation and too little melanin results in hypopigmentation.

Using Microdermabrasion or peeling (Vitamin A, Glycolic, TCA) we safely, easily, and effectively treat many benign skin lesions painlessly on an outpatient basis. By using a laser to treat the condition the surrounding tissue is not affected allowing us to tackle vascular lesions, pigmented lesions, tattoos, wrinkles, scars and stretch marks. Each laser is specific to the type of function it performs.

Testimonial for Pigmentation Treatments:

I was unable to wear skirts and feel good about my body, due to the Black horrific scars on my legs, The scars on my legs had been there for three years as a result of Eczema.  By the 3rd month I could see the first sign of gradual fading, it’s almost a miracle, as the scars that were once there have been banished. Dr.Kabeya has given me more than just a beautiful complexion but he has restored my confidence, happiness and vibrancy within me. I will definitely say 95% success!

Actress – London
